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Episodes (158)
Ep 152 – 152 Guns n' Hoses Recap & Anglerfish
Winterpeg really living up to its name these days. Recap of the charity hockey game Guns n’ Hoses that PJK took part in. Another game of Over Under – SNL edition. Kirby explains the story of the viral anglerfish to Philly & Joe. Plus Kevin Walker from the Bear Clan Patrol stops by the studio.
We’re in a cold snap. There is a need for more positivity on the Bone Phone. A Winnipeg fashion duo designed a fit for Kirby’s idol Christina Aguilera. Philly & Joe continue campaigning for Pal-entine’s Day. Chocolates vs Flowers in the Thursday Throwdown and Joe looking for fashion advice ahead of spring.
Ep 150 – 150 Bathroom Anxiety & Sleeping In Someone Else's Bed
Joe almost lost sleep over something he couldn’t remember. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Nominations are out. Bathroom Anxiety at an event or concert when you don’t want to miss a minute of the action but you gotta GO! Would You Rather Wednesday. What is the best money you’ve spent? Two very different “Boom Boom” songs and sleeping in someone else’s bed.
Kirby dresses for the weather she wants, not the weather we’re having. Philly clearly hasn’t been in a mall since the 90’s. Music class memories. Popular places to pop the question in Winnipeg. How well do Phil & Kirby know Rom Coms – Joe tests their knowledge in a game of Over Under. Joe stopped by a local Fire Station in preparation for the Guns n’ Hoses Charity Hockey Game.
The morning after Taylor Swift’s boyfriend lost the big football game. Kirby is exhausted after watching like a lot of sports fans. John Travolta is filming a movie in Winnipeg. Do red vehicle cost more in insurance – Kirby heard a rumor. Saving money on Hydro and Joe wants to start Pal-entine’s Day!
Today is the day! We make the call to award someone a trip to Nashville to see AC/DC. Kirby continues to wear too much perfume to work. Friday’s mean we play “The Name Game” & nail it. Lisa is back on “The Bone Phone” just in time for tax time and with the big football game this Sunday, PJK talk prop bets.
Ep 146 – 146 Sleeping In Silence and Leaving Voicemails Nobody Listens To
The Bone Phone Hooligan is back with a hilarious call about getting in trouble at work for talking. Joe tests Philly & Kirby's knowledge of the big game this Sunday. Do you sleep with white noise? Completely Useless Question leads to a conversation about voicemail. Snowy roads lead to a transit bus crash and Kirby is making chili!
Ep 145 – 145 Winter Parking and Shows at Princess Auto Stadium
Travis Kelce continues to praise Zach Collaros. BONE PHONE and Entertainment Rundown. Rockin' Thunder and Grey Cup Parties. WOULD YOU RATHER. What should they call the new water park/ rec centre? We learn about how toasters work and Kirby has some issues with winter parking.
Philly is pumped we have a show happening at Princess Auto Stadium. BONE PHONE and Entertainment Rundown. There is a now a new vending machine in the building. #2dat is really picking up steam producer Angus partakes in it with some kitties. Completely Useless Trivia- 1/3 of people say this is the most annoying part of the office. When to pull over for the cops.
Ep 143 – 143 Manitoba Merv and the The Studio Calendar
Joe has stats about groundhogs. BONEPHONE and Entertainment Rundown. Kirby talks about her new plant app. Winnipeg has brutal traffic. Completely Useless Trivia- Men are more likely to post about than women online. Philly talks about his singing career. The PJK studio calendar is in, Joe doesn't love it. Soap Welding hacks.
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